Shelley Dufresne, Rachel Respess in press highlight as Destrehan instructor sex scandal creates news worldwide

Shelley Dufresne. Rachel Respess. Destrehan High School.

Enter those titles into a Look for engine, and in a few moments you'll get mixed outcomes of more than 500, 000 strikes. That's because the teachers' busts and the facts growing from an research into accusations that they involved in team sex with a 16-year-old student have created worldwide information and produced an incredible number of web page opinions on information sites.

Their titles are popular on a New You are able to information web page and their images -- mainly mug photos -- are several on the web. Indeed, at one factor Dufresne's name was the third "Shelley" on a Look for engine, behind the stars Shelley Duval and Shelley Henning.

Mainstream press sites that have grabbed the tale use news that are somewhat controlled, such as, "Report: 2 La. instructors billed of sex with same teenager student" from Or "Louisiana scholar's boasting about sex outcomes in police arrest of two women instructors," from

Some news trim toward the amazing, such as the Everyday Email in the U. s. Empire, which used all investment characters for the phrase "threesome" in its title and the terms "Love Nest" below a picture of a instructor's residence complicated. The Everyday News in New You are able to handled to consist of both "inappropriate sex-related get in touch with " and "three-way with student" in its title. Others are absolutely crass in their information of the claimed legal act.

The Huffington Publish title performed it directly, mentioning not to a "tryst" or "threesome" but a "sex misuse situation." It also included the mug photos of Dufresne and Respess to a 41-photo collection of instructors across the nation who have been billed with having sex with their learners.
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